Parameterize a pipeline

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    Parameterize your Configuration

    GoCD allows you to parameterize your pipelines and pipeline templates. This powerful feature can help reduce repetition within your configurations and also allows for complex setups using a combination of parameters and pipeline templates.

    Using Web Interface

    Edit the Parameters tab when defining a pipeline .

    Defining and using a parameter

    Parameter values are defined in the <params> tag within a pipeline and can be used anywhere within that pipeline using #{param_name}. The following example defines a new parameter called “myParam” and uses it in a job.

    <pipeline name="my_pipeline">
        <param name="myParam">hello world</param>
      <stage name="my_stage">
          <job name="my_job">
              <exec command="echo" args="#{myParam}"/>

    NOTE: If you want to use the # literal, you can escape it using another # literal. For example, if the parameter “foo” has the value “one”, then:

    String Evaluates to
    #{foo} one
    ##{foo} #{foo}
    ###{foo} #one

    Using parameters in pipeline templates

    Parameter usage within templates is similar to usage within pipelines. The only difference is that you cannot define parameters in a template.

    <pipeline name="trunk" template="my_template">
        <param name="WORKING_DIR">trunk</param>
    <pipeline name="branch" template="my_template">
        <param name="WORKING_DIR">branch</param>

    The parameter defined above is used the template below.

    <pipeline name="my_template">
      <stage name="my_stage">
          <job name="my_job">
              <exec command="echo" args="Updating code from svn repository svn://codebase/#{WORKING_DIR}"/>

    Rules around usage of parameters

    While parameters are generally very flexible, there are some restrictions.

    You cannot use a parameter to define:

    • Pipeline name
    • Stage name
    • Job name
    • A Job’s property name
    • The <runif> configuration for a job’s task
    • Another parameter (i.e. you cannot define a parameter using another parameter)
    • Pipeline template name
    • Material name
    • Material passwords (however, for Git and Mercurial, passwords are not captured as separate attribute, hence can be parameterized)
    • Trigger-type for Stage

    Other restrictions:

    • Parameters can currently only be defined within a pipeline.
    • A parameter cannot be composed with another parameter i.e. #{foo#{bar}} will not be evaluated recursively.
    • If a parameter is referenced but is not defined, then the configuration is invalid (Go will not let you save an invalid configuration).